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2015-217 TheBBDTimes Branding

Connect . Express . Grow

Connecting 25k students Across 4 colleges


August 2015-April 2018
3 Years


Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects
Corel Draw, Adobe XD


Graphic Designer, Social Media
Manager, Photographer


Team of 26 talented people Content Writers,
Web and App Developers, Marketer and Designer


BBD Times is my proudest work so far and It will be forever. It is one that got me where I am today. On 17 October 2015, I joined TBT Team, from theb I wore many hats. Earlier I was responsible from creating Social Media posts, posters, flexes. The beginning I work on the UI Design of The BBD TIMES Android App. See its showcase here. I managed its facebook Page. Instagram Page. Had to collaborate with content writers, developers and other designers. During my time Here (3 years) I learned The basics of design, principals and all and I applied them in my creatives. I have to say it was a wonderful journey. It was the beginning, the beginning of something awesome. We were 26 talented people working as family, as a team, It was the best time. I made friends for life.

Life is a journey with problems to solve and lessons to learn but most of all. Experiences to enjoy.


2015, my second year of college, The team worked on its app. The BBD Times app was an initiative by the students of BBD which ensures the connectivity of all campus of BBD and all communities by reaching to the base level. I designed the app logo and its structure and icons, graphics, layout.


My first approach to understanding medical residents is through emphasizing with their experiences by conducting user interviews and participating in field studies at Imagine Clinic. This consisted of asking qualitative questions such as their workflow to even the intimate details of their personal life.


We organized many events in college and to land some sponsors I designed proposals and marketing materials. The undermentioned proposals was for a Patriotic event.

BBD Times Brand Identity

At the times I was doing all this I doesnt even knew that these all comes under Brand Identity. Building a brand identity is a multi-disciplinary strategic effort, and every element needs to support the overall message and goals and purpose. Now so that i know, I have say. We were successful in creating a positive brand image through out college. The work we were doing were appceated by facuilty, administrators and students look upon us. We were no doubt created a positive impact.

Online Creatives

These are the some of the posters that i created suri g my time in BBD Times. There was a whole list of iportant days, birthday posts, latest happenings related post, posters, flexed anything that revovle around design come to me.

TBT Gallery

A team with thousand of memories.


Stuff I did

✔ Identity Design ✔ Social Media Management ✔ Lead Creative Team ✔ Collaborating with developer ✔ Making Post for social Media ✔ Lots of IceTea ✔ App Design ✔ Posters, flexes ✔ Online Promotion ✔ Creating A design System ✔ Branding ✔ Identity Design ✔ Photography ✔ Video Editing ✔ Content Writing ✔ Made Friends


After layout and content strategy, It was time to set a theme and colour palette It was time to design a simple, clean and elegant showcase website. The accent colour I choose was Dark moderate cyan.. Later on while project was in design phase I chamged the theme from Cyan to Gradient feel, to make it more contrast and modern feel. I decided to use red as theme colour

“While all those time I began to realize how important it was to be an enthusiast in life. Time has taught me that if you are interested in something, no matter what it is, go at it at full speed ahead. Embrace it with both arms, hug it, love it and above all become passionate about it.

Did we just become best friends

Friends appreciate. Keep clapping

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