You aren't what's happened to you, you are how you've overcome it.
person on hilltop during daytime" by Jon Flobrant on Unsplash
It's so true that it hurts. When you see yourself now and sometimes ago when your so down, so depressed you are not able to even talk to someone, you just wished there will be someone who will give u a call and ask about your well-being, and you will pour yourself fully. But guess what that didn't happen. You got to accept the life as it is. Not you wish to be.
Often the best transformation happens after your worst encounter with life. Just see yourself right now, and imagine some bad things that happened to you, what do you see. Well it might be you lost friends, you lost actual people, you have lost people whom you used to give a damn about, you were hurt, you were hurt so bad you got to change yourself, you got to turn yourself to something else, something that you are not ready for. You got to, there were no other ways. Actually, there were ways but you know you can't control everything, Control is just an illusion.
Coming to me, time to time things happened to me that was just painful, it was like there is no hope, there is no light, there is no door to open, there is just you and your killing thoughts that exist in mind all day all night, now at this time when I look back and think and wished there is so much I could have done differently, it could have turned differently, but again I am thankful for those things that have happened to me at this age, that made me think of myself, to think as self-centered person will think. First comes me then everyone else. It's not healthy, but you and I, we are survival, we got to survive, however, in whatever way, our mind works that way only. When we feel some danger, we unconsciously take precaution and in doing so we do things that change yourself. When I say change I mean some little things that make us what we are, as we are. You might notice these changes in yourself or might not, but people notice and they might resent you or might respect you, it depends how they perceive you and how you make them feel about you and themselves. Everything is connected to everything. The choices we make today cast the future of ourselves.
Coming to me again, let me think of my worst encounter, it was the time of my college last year, when I was suicidal, there was just this thought in my head all the time of jumping off the 5th floor of my flat. There was always this thought. It existed like for a month. I am thankful of my friends who got to understand me as I am and helped me, however, they can. That whole month I stayed away from my flat and lived and spend my time in friends hostel, rooms. I am glad there were forces that made me to not do any stupid things.
I had accepted my existence and hated it. I hated myself. I hated my existence. I hated everything. Then I stumbled to my best friends, we talked for hours, and that was helpful. Really. Those times I decided to myself to let go of things that were hurting me and make myself busy with things I love. I kept myself occupied with friends, works, projects, cooking, painting. I accepted everything that comes to me and try new things and learn new things.
You aren't what's happened to you, you are how you've overcome it. -Beau Taplin
When I finally got out of these situations, the world around me was different, I see things differently than I was before. I Accepted everything That was the time when I learned and got experienced that are now base to my works. It was clear to me what was important and what was not. What was little and what was big, that's how I became more of a kind of observing people. I would have not been the person I am today if things have happened according to me.
If the ceiling you are under is crushing you. Dare to dream big and jump outside. You may just find yourself flying.
Now at this time when I connect all the dots, I believe bad things happen these are inevitable. But we don't have control over what goes on outside of our own minds. And when your circumstances change, it doesn't make you weak, or wrong, or different from who you want to be. You get to be whomever you want to be, no matter what happens around you.
In Three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life : It goes on. -Robert Frost
Life often gives experiences you don't want. When everything seems to be perfect, life often gives you a wake-up call. Each day is a reminder to live with a genuine attitude of gratitude. Enjoy the moment you have today. Build a relationship with others. Keep humility a part of your being. When life slaps you with a hard discipline, you can still rise above the pain and I hope you understand that the end is often a new beginning and a chance to find something better…
Throughout these struggles, I've learned a lot about the need to speak openly about our dark times. Because there have been so many moments when I needed someone to tell me I wasn't alone - and actually mean it
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